
Under Construction: Other Destinations

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Can you help us translate "No Bags Please" into Burmese, Mexican, Mongolian, Brazilian, Tagalog, Arabic (Moroccan), Swahili, Pashto, etc, etc,?


Hear it

Can you send us a recording  saying "No Bags Please"?

say it

Can you Help us show others how to speak in your language?

Sounds like: The wheels on my suitcase

Can you Help?

Yes I can. and I've got other locations in mind.

Send Email

Seen some but many more to go 

So many places to see. And so many enviromental responsibilities. We've just started this campaign. And we'd like to cover as many destinations as posible.

But we need your help. All we need is translations of the phrase "No Bags Please". Could you spare 15 seconds? And the time it takes to send the email?

We'd be happy to give you credit and link to your profile.

Just give it a try: how do you say "No Bags Please" in your location?  

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